Blog Posts

Here you can find a complete index of my blog.
The topics I talk about in each post could be just about anything: photography, technology, drawing... you name it.

The boxes below contain a short excerpt of their respective posts and a thumbnail where available - you can click on them to read the full posts.

I hope you have as much fun reading them as I did writing them!

Farewell, Smoothie

Almost two years. That’s how long Smoothie has been FumoNet’s theme. And now it’s time for a change… but not before a little facelift. By that I mean that right now, Smoothie picks the colors it uses from several CSS variables: this is a feature that I never really toyed around with, ever since I pushed last summer’s massive update to this site. But now, I believe that I have finally found a good usecase for it: briefly move to a more refreshing palette, right before Smoothie will be gone for good.

Summer News

It’s been quite a while since last post, so I thought it’d be nice to post a general update.

The big FumoNet update

About two months of work, finally coming to a close. Meet the new FumoNet.

Wacom One first impressions - Day 3 & 4

Two for the price of one! Yesterday I barely drew anything and was too tired to prepare the blogpost, so I decided to merge it with the 4th day’s - so today’s - journal entry.

Wacom One first impressions - Day 2

This morning has been a little more productive than yesterday’s - I made a few quick sketches at school, just to make sure this wouldn’t have been another of those annoying days where I appear to have forgotten how to draw. When I came back home, I haven’t immediately picked up the drawing tablet as planned, and have only begun making stuff around the late afternoon, just like yesterday.

Wacom One first impressions - Day 1

This post is the first entry in somewhat of a journal, in which I’ll gradually write about the issues, awesomeness and everything in-between that I’ll be going through during my very first experience with a proper drawing tablet. This is all possible thanks to my friend, who lent me his Wacom One Medium for a few days - I’m unbelievably grateful to him for that!

Going Digital

Alright, first post of this year! Today I want to bring up a topic that I’ve never really talked about in this blog, and that’s drawing. Me and my friends seem to more or less agree on my recent improvement in drawing, and I’m starting to get pretty fancy ideas that I just can’t pull off on paper anymore.

First new post!

Man, it’s nearly been a full year, but the wait (for me, at least) is finally over – the blog is back! And with a much better implementation, I have to say!

Customization Time

Bad news: Project 4Modes’ development is halted and will stay like that for some time. Good news: I resumed development on Win103, basically a Windows93 theme with a few extras, like its own special installer (shown in the following picture) and dashboard.

A miniature computer

Two news articles in one day, episode 2. As you can see from the attached image, I have bought a Raspberry Pi 4!

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