First new post!

17 Dec 2021

Man, it’s nearly been a full year, but the wait (for me, at least) is finally over – the blog is back! And with a much better implementation, I have to say!

Finally, I can write blog posts in Markdown instead of having to use special HTML tags, especially <br>. Summed up to the other advantages the transition to Jekyll is bringing, I can feel this will make my life a lot easier in the long run.

I can already imagine being able to painlessly write blog posts on a somewhat regular basis, on a much easier to maintain website… but not a bunch of people actually reading this stuff. I don’t think that’s ever gonna happen.

In fact, nobody can even read this the day I’m writing it! The website is still offline and far from finished, but I guess this could be fun to read again in the future… maybe…?

So… what’s actually in store for this website as of writing this post? For starters, I’m planning to implement dedicated pages for my art, wallpapers (and pictures in general, really) and projects.

No work at all has been done on those, but I assume it shouldn’t take long, since I can just use Jekyll’s collections system to separate blog posts from drawings, etc.

On top of that, the design of the website is still pretty rough and could benefit from some more time spent polishing it.

What I am working on right now (aside from pretty much the whole website) is “beautifying” last year’s ancient blog posts to improve their readability in the new website. I haven’t carried over the pictures yet, but I’ll do that in the next couple days, unless any problems come up.

At any rate, readers from the future, I guess that’s it for this post. I hope you’re liking my website so far!