Artwork Archive

As you may have guessed from my about page, drawing is one of my main hobbies.
This page contains the vast majority of the stuff I've drawn so far.
Why? Well, it's both for myself, to see how I'm improving over the years, and for other people to have a single page containing all of my artwork.

Why not use something like DeviantArt, Pixiv and the likes? No idea, really. I guess making my own art archive is more fun.
Besides, I am not a massive fan of those websites' userbases, so not having to directly interact with them is an added bonus.

Kasane Teto

Does it show I’m getting ever so slightly tired of drawing the same 3 characters all the time?

Birthday Elmia

Scrolling through Fedi, I noticed today was the birthday of Dorotanu, an artist from that I follow, so I decided to draw something for the occasion (and ride my wave of sudden improvement).

Style experiments

Been a while since the last non-daily art post, huh?

Wanderer sketch

Quick, rough sketch of the Wanderer I made in class.

Class sketches

We’re back to school sketches, respectively of Reol in the cover art of her Kinjitou album and of Nira from Zutomayo’s Kira Killer music video.

Gokusaishiki Reol sketch

Looks like Yama won’t be the only music artist I listen to and make drawings of anymore.

October sketches

In spite of artblock about to show up at my doorstep again, here’s a post with 8 new sketches. Character names in picture labels, as usual.

New tablet testing

With my 18th birthday comes a new drawing tablet: my friends gifted me an XP-Pen Artist 12. Kind of bad timing since I’m in the middle of artblock, burnout or whatever, but this is definitely gonna spice things up soon enough.

September sketches

Whoops, I’m pretty late with this one.

Gakuran Urotsuki

This started a couple days ago as a random sketch during class, but I didn’t like how bad it looked (come to think of it, kinda looks like some of my early/mid-2022 art) so I decided to redraw it digitally at home.

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