Artwork Archive

As you may have guessed from my about page, drawing is one of my main hobbies.
This page contains the vast majority of the stuff I've drawn so far.
Why? Well, it's both for myself, to see how I'm improving over the years, and for other people to have a single page containing all of my artwork.

Why not use something like DeviantArt, Pixiv and the likes? No idea, really. I guess making my own art archive is more fun.
Besides, I am not a massive fan of those websites' userbases, so not having to directly interact with them is an added bonus.

Misc. December sketches

A few sketches before a looooong break till next year. Unusual car sketch on the left, too!

The Bocchi curse

This stemmed from a running gag between me and my friend Aikoyori, after he’s been repeatedly telling me to watch Bocchi The Rock! for several days in a row.

More Nira doodles

I really like the smear on the right one, I should probably experiment more with those.

DNA Nira

One of my first attempts at drawing the Nira design from the Only Radiant DNA MV.

Hunch Gray Nira, again

I evidently hadn’t had enough of drawing Hunch Gray Nira just yet.

More sketches of the new guy

I’ve drawn the OC from the last post a bit more at school, I like the “camera” angle of the 1st one. Also, I’ve broken my own rule about the visor only being opaque when the mask is on as well. Guess I was too lazy to draw eyes on either of these sketches.

New doomed gamedev project, new OC

I have fleshed out the design in sketches from a while ago, this is what came out of it.

Self-induced torture feat. OS/2 Warp 4

No undos. No eraser. Most definitely painful.

Mostly grayscale Humanoid Nira

Back to Krita for this one! I didn’t really intend to make a cool looking drawing and my brain was just in “sketch mode”, but I’m really happy with what came out.

Hunch Gray thing

Yet another Paint drawing, this time of Nira as she appears in the Hunch Gray MV.

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