A miniature computer

14 Apr 2020

Two news articles in one day, episode 2. As you can see from the attached image, I have bought a Raspberry Pi 4!

Can fit in my hand!

It didn’t take that long to get delivered (about a week), still I can’t really do much with it currently, since a micro HDMI-to-HDMI cable should’ve arrived from Amazon a few days ago. About that, I checked when the cable should arrive: 24th of April. C’mon Amazon, really? I expected way shorter delivery times, just like the other times… Welp, guess I can’t really put all the blame on them considering the current situation.

So, what do I plan on doing with the Pi once I get the cable? Its purpose will probably be that of a retrogaming console (I like calling the project VARM), since I’ll probably install LAKKA on it. If I change my mind, I’m still not going to use Raspbian: I’ll probably give Manjaro ARM a shot, probably the KDE version because of all the KDE Connect bells and whistles (no need for keyboard and mouse etc.).

After all the software stuff will be done and the coronavirus will be gone, I plan on getting a 3D printed case for the whole thing, with some extra room for an internal power bank and holes for all the ports the Pi has.

Insert an imaginary conclusion here by yourself, because I can’t come up with a good one.