Going Digital

01 Mar 2022

Alright, first post of this year! Today I want to bring up a topic that I’ve never really talked about in this blog, and that’s drawing. Me and my friends seem to more or less agree on my recent improvement in drawing, and I’m starting to get pretty fancy ideas that I just can’t pull off on paper anymore.

My pretty obvious solution to this was turning towards digital art. Mind you, I’m not talking about using Flipnote Studio on my 3DS anymore, but something way more advanced, able to give me more freedom when it comes to colors, layers and so on.

I don’t really have a drawing tablet nor the money to buy one yet (although I’d love to), so I decided to give my phone and Autodesk Sketchbook a shot…

A couple weeks back, I decided to clean the dust off a stylus for touch screens that I had bought back in 2019. Right after that, I immediately got my phone and began trying to make some decent sketches.

Let’s just say the outcome was… not quite good.

Yeah, pretty far from that.

Though, after a couple hours of getting used to (the right drawing has actually been made on the same day as this post, I just wanted to add more character variety in the pics here), I started getting some nice lineart and tried out coloring as well, this time with fairly good results.

Speaking of colors, I find it seriously incredible how much they can change the simplest of doodles for the better. I can pretty much say the same about undoing mistakes and having an eraser that actually deletes stuff.

I’ve also started experimenting a bit more with customization of brushes, but I haven’t really gotten great results yet. I guess I just need to keep messing around and be patient.

Another thing I’ve been doing these days is trying to bring some much-needed variety in regards to the characters I draw, often just making up random character designs in the middle of sketching, and that’s actually solidifying my artstyle a little bit more.

As I’ve mentioned on Twitter a while ago, I’m working on a relatively large scale drawing - hopefully I’ll get it nice and finished as soon as possible.

I’ve made the very first basic sketches on paper (basically just the pose and general idea) roughly two weeks ago. So far, the base sketch is finished and what’s left to make is the finalized lineart (which is almost half done) and obviously to color the whole thing. I am admittedly pretty curious to see how this is gonna turn out in the end.

I want to make clear that I am not going to completely drop traditional drawing - quite the opposite, actually! The vast majority of my sketches will still be on paper since, there, I just don’t have to deal with any such thing as latency or overly distracting brush configurations.

Anyway, with today’s textwall written down, I hope you have a nice day - see you in the next post!