Love letter to Gusare

29 Sep 2022

Final Drawing

Open original

Concept Sketch #1

Open original

Concept Sketch #2

Open original

Concept Sketch #3

Open original

By far the biggest, most complex drawing I’ve made so far. Saying I’m crazy proud of it would be an understatement.

This is kind of a token of my immense appreciation for Zutomayo’s album Gusare, and especially Hunch Gray, one of the absolute bangers featured in it.

In fact, the background is actually designed after the city depicted in Hunch Gray’s music video, and the car facing away from the “camera” is the one Nira (the main character in ZTMY’s MVs) has got in the aforementioned video.

That car has given me quite a few headaches for weeks, I had never drawn a car in such detail (and in perspective) before now. It doesn’t help that I decided to put it at an angle that is neither of the <10 different illustrations of the car in the referenced MV.

As for Nira herself, I settled for her Study Me design, rather than the Hunch Gray one, seeing as how it’s kind of the most iconic one.

I’ve worked on this for about.. 2 months, starting from the first concept sketches? Definitely could’ve taken way less time, or at least it could have if I had proper digital drawing equipment instead of, you know, a phone and a cheap aluminum stick with a cloth tip from Amazon.

Nevertheless, here I’ve put into practice many things I’ve recently learned, such as perspective and half-decent anatomy. It’s also my first experience with coloring a massive background and adding just enough detail to not make it look plain.

I’ve definitely missed a few details such as the clearly visible moss scattered across the buildings’ walls in the Hunch Gray MV, but I guess the other slight details I’ve added partly make up for that.

I’d like to thank everyone who has helped me with the making of this - for my standards - behemoth of a drawing, particularly atlaszoidac, who has given me some incredibly valuable help with making the car look right! If it weren’t for him, that car would’ve looked about 2 meters longer than it does in the final drawing.